History of Our Local Swiss
Our locally made Amish cheese is reminiscent of the original Swiss Emmental Cheese from the Swiss canton of Bern. It features a unique appearance, characterized by holes known as “eyes.” Swiss cheese is celebrated for its nutty, bittersweet flavor, and these distinctive traits have established it as one of the most iconic cheeses worldwide!
In general, larger eyes in Swiss cheese indicate a more pronounced flavor. This phenomenon occurs because the conditions leading to larger holes—such as longer aging or higher temperatures—also contribute to stronger flavors. However, this characteristic can complicate the slicing process for manufacturers, leading to a preference for less aged and flavorful varieties in the U.S.
Baby Swiss cheese, made by substituting water for the milk’s whey to slow bacterial action, features smaller holes and a milder flavor. It is crafted from whole milk. Lacy Swiss is another variety of U.S. small-hole Swiss made with low-fat milk.