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Clem’s Hot Pepper Mustard (8 Oz.)


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Clem’s Hot Pepper Mustard is made fresh with Hawkwind’s own hot Hungarian peppers and spices. History Hawkwind is 75 acres of enchanted woods and farmland located in the Baraboo Bluffs. It is Don and Deb Lawyer’s marriage of passions: farming, crafting products, an Adventure Challenge Course, and Spiritual and Energy Healing Center.

Their farming chapter begins with Don’s devotion to hot peppers and mustard. This love for food led Don to Clem, a farmer in southern Ohio. It was Clem who created the two original recipes. When Don tasted the flavors he fell in love and wondered if Clem would sell his recipes when he was ready to retire? And so the conversation began…

This intersected at a time when the Lawyers were watching the small family farm become an endangered species. They wanted to be part of the solution and had dreams and visions of family farms creating beautiful products with direct links to customers and community

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Weight 1 lbs
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