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Smoked Bacon Cheese


Price is per Lb. Actual weight may vary up to 10%.

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Smoked Bacon Cheese

Bacon and cheese combined? What’s not to love!


Bacon Cheese is a mild orange cheddar infused with smoked bacon. This version is smoked for an extra rich savory flavor!


This is great for breakfast dishes such as muffins or a frittata. The smoky flavor will also work well with slightly sweeter dishes. It is delicious added to a cheeseboard combined with a creamy cheese and something mild for contrast. You could see if your guests can identify the flavor amongst the other cheeses.


Cheddar, made in the classical way, tends to have a sharp, pungent flavor, often slightly earthy. Its texture is firm, with farmhouse traditional Cheddar being slightly crumbly. The ideal quality of Cheddar was described by Joseph Harding in 1864 as “close and firm in texture, yet mellow in character or quality; it is rich with a tendency to melt in the mouth, the flavor full and fine, approaching to that of a hazelnut.”


Cheddar cheese has been produced in England since at least 1170.  A pipe roll of King Henry II from that year records the purchase of 10,420 lb. at a farthing per pound.  One suggestion is that Romans brought the recipe to Britain from the Cantal region of France, where it was adapted.

Central to the modernization and standardization of Cheddar was the nineteenth century Somerset dairyman Joseph Harding.  For his technical developments, promotion of dairy hygiene and unremunerated propagation of modern cheese-making techniques he has been described as the father of Cheddar.


This really is a cheese that you have to try! Why not order some today?

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Weight 1 lbs
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