Cheese Glossary: The Letters V, W, X, Y and Z!
The time has come; we’ve reached the end of our cheese glossary! Read on to find the cheese terms you need to know from the letters V, W, X, Y, and Z.
Vegetable Rennets
These are rennets extracted from organic sources such as thistles, nettles, or fig leaves.
Washed Curd
A cheesemaking process in which the curds are drained of whey before being rinsed with water and then stirred to rinse off any lactose that natural bacteria might convert to acid. This raises the moisture level and can hasten the aging process for the curd. One example of a washed curd cheese is Colby.
Washed Rind
This refers to cheeses that have been washed in liquids such as brine, whey, beer, cider,
wine, brandy or oil during the ripening process. This keeps the rind moist and encourages growth of an orange bacteria, which can be scraped off, dried, or left to develop into a full rind. One example of a washed rind cheese is Limburger.
A cheese covered in wax. This is done for preservation but also creates a distinctive look for cheeses. Many have a specific wax color.
A classification of cheese texture.
Swiss-type cheeses that release some moisture from their ‘eyes’ may be said to be ‘weeping’.
The thin, watery part of milk. It separates from the curds when heated and is usually drained away, although some cheeses use the whey in the production of the cheese.
A Greek sheep and/or goat whey cheese that is made on the island of Crete. It is a soft, white and creamy cheese that has a sour taste. It is commonly served with honey as a dessert.
A Russian hard cow’s milk cheese with a slightly sour taste.
Yeast are single-celled fungi. There are currently 1,500 discovered species. Yeast can be used to change the flavor and texture of cheeses during surface ripening, as well as affecting the aroma of cheese.
A Russian soft, blue, cow’s milk cheese.
An Italian cow’s milk cheese similar to ricotta that is made in Piedmont.
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